Network Drive Mappings and NET USE

The following information pertains to Windows and the SmartBatch Executive Server running as a Service.

A Service provides a batch logon as opposed to an interactive logon.  An interactive logon provides additional capability such as mapped drives.  If you require the use of network drive letters such as  f:), they must be mapped in an Operation before they are used.  To do this use the NET USE capability.  This can be placed in a .bat file and executed via an Operation or can be placed directly in an Operation.

The following shows the general syntax for the NET USE command:

net use [devicename | *] [\\computername\sharename[\volume]] [password | *]] [/user:[domainname\]

username] [[/delete] | [/persistent:{yes | no}]]

net use devicename [/home[password | *]] [/delete:{yes | no}]

net use [/persistent:{yes | no}]

You can type net use without parameters from a command prompt to obtain a list of network connections.


Using a .bat file

This example shows how to map three network drives using a .bat file named MyNetUse.bat:

net use o: \\LA\cdrive password /USER:myAccount

net use p:\\NY\cdrive password /USER:myAccount

net use q:\\SF\edrive password /USER:myAccount

The MyNetUse.bat file can be added as an Operation within SmartBatch.

To configure the NET USE capability directly into an Operation

cmd.exe /c net use o:\\LA\cdrive password /USER:myAccount

To delete a drive mapping

net use o: /delete