
You enter the Operation into this field.  An Operation is any program that you want to run (such as  an .exe file, .bat script or windows scripting host .vbs).  The Operation can have Parameters that will be replaced when processed by the Executive Server. Example Operations:

Example 1:

Start notepad.exe with the file myfile.txt. @path is a Parameter that specifies the path:

Operation:  notepad.exe @path\myfile.txt

Example 2:

Start SQL Server's interactive SQL program using c:\test.sql as input and log to c:\applog.dat:
Operation:  isql /SMyServ /Pmypass /ic:\test.sql /oc:\applog.dat

Example 3:

Start a Windows command prompt and have it run a .bat file called d:\batch\nightly.bat:

Operation:  cmd.exe /c d:\batch\nightly.bat
 or just: