SmartDeleteHistory Command Line Options

[path]SmartDeleteHistory   AppName=<appName> StartDate=<startDate>   EndDate=<endDate>   DateOffSet=<dateoffset>


This example uses SmartDeleteHistory to delete records from the SmartBatch data source. All History records are deleted from the start date to the end date.

c:\Program Files\SmartBatch\bin\SmartDeleteHistory.exe appName=* startdate=1/1/1900 enddate=12/31/2099  


SmartDeleteHistory is a program that is installed when you install SmartBatch. You need to specify the full path to the program to run it successfully or have it in your search path. For example:

c:\Program Files\SmartBatch\bin\SmartDeleteHistory

You can set a search path for executable files using environmental variables. Refer to Windows documentation for information about paths and environmental variables.


The name of the application group.  If you want to delete history from any application group, use the * (asterik) for the value.  Provide the application group name to delete history records from a specific application group (e.g., "Default").


Indicates the number of days of History you want to retain.  If you want to retain one week of History information, use a value of 7.  If DateOffSet is provided, you should not use the StartDate or EndDate. For example, if you want to retain seven days of history:

c:\Program Files\SmartBatch\bin\SmartDeleteHistory.exe DateOffSet=7


Used with the StartDate to determine the range of records to be deleted. The dates are inclusive.


Used with the EndDate to determine the range of records to be deleted. The dates are inclusive.