Working With the Programmatic Interface

SmartBatch provides a programmatic interface that you can use to control the environment.  This interface provides access to all capabilities within SmartBatch so you can fully control any aspect of the environment that you might need.  The interface is provide in a .NET assembly named OnLineToolWorks.SmartBatch.Facade.dll.

A sample project that shows how to use many features is provided in a folder where SmartBatch is installed.  Two solutions are provided showing examples in both C# and VB.NET.

You will find these solutions in:

<installDir>\OnLine ToolWorks\SmartBatch\Samples\cSharp


<installDir>\OnLine ToolWorks\\SmartBatch\Samples\vb

Where <installDir> is typically:

c:\program files

Both solutions contain full documentation to help programmers learn the interface.

The API documentation can be found at:
